The EasyCatalog, a solution to gain speed and time!

Increasing one’s visibility on the market is a key factor for the development of any company. Many means are used today to achieve this goal. Preparing catalogs, brochures and directories is a perfect example. In this sense, discovering EasyCatalog becomes necessary.

The principle

EasyCatalog is a software that will allow you to easily create all kinds of catalogs for your sign. It allows you to gather the different product databases as well as the design and graphic tools, in order to easily create a catalog. The latter must correspond to your needs. It can also be used to make brochures, flyers and even directories, because the information transmitted will be identical. It is an advantageous solution for companies looking for visibility. These companies will be able to create communication tools in an efficient way. This software will certainly save you time.

The different functionalities

In order to carry out its tasks correctly, EasyCatalog has several features. The first one is the presence of a database that will be able to organize, classify and update your product sheets (Excel, XML, CSV...), at each new arrival. The second is the access to an automation of the formatting of the new contents that you propose.

These will then be introduced automatically. This is a good organization!

Once the data are classified, the EasyCatalog software will do an incredible job thanks to its powerful graphic tools. These tools will facilitate the graphic creation of your catalogs or your brochures in order to quickly find the type of design and style that you wish. After the selection of the chosen style, the data and the information will be placed directly on the model of the final product.

The advantages

Opting for the use of EasyCatalog can give you several advantages. First of all, it is simple and practical. In other words, it does not require any special skills. Therefore, you will be able to easily take it in hand. Secondly, you will also be able to preview your creation in order to find the mistakes or imperfections. Then, it helps to effectively increase productivity, because by using it you will go much faster. Finally, it helps to avoid errors and duplicates in order to permanently offer an impeccable result. Remember that these features are automated. Thus, the software will not only save you time, but especially your money. Lower cost communication will provide more benefits to your business.

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