Digital innovation

How to keep your product information up to date?

To keep your product information up to date, you will need a product information management system. Also called PIM software, they are used to control, synchronize and manage any data related to your products, whether it is marketing, logistics or…

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What enterprise software can store product information?

Companies working in e-commerce have to manage a lot of information about their products and services on a daily basis. In fact, there is software that allows companies to create reliable and complete records. In this article, you will discover…

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The electronic signature: for enhanced security!

Faced with the difficulties it is encountering, particularly in France, the digital signature has put forward a strong argument: in addition to the strong demand from the younger generation, it is also a formidable gas pedal of transformation speed. What…

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Digitization of SMEs: what are the challenges?

Currently, digitalization is at the top of success in all fields. All institutions and companies are using digitalization. It is a phenomenon that is spreading more and more around the world. SMEs, in turn, are benefiting from the advantages of…

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4 tips for a successful SEO!

The number of indexed sites on the Internet is increasing every year. As a result, it is more and more difficult to appear in the first results of interesting search engine queries. Traditional SEO techniques are not always enough to…

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How to identify all your product data?

To work efficiently, many companies choose to collect information. This information can be internal or external to the company. The objective is to provide the means to achieve the set objectives. The realization of this long-term vision relies on the…

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